Discover the canyoning escapes, those with varied pleasures!
Le canyoning évasion à Annecy s'adresse aux personnes désirant découvrir l'activité de manière complète pour faire le plein de sensation !
Avec une première expérience du canyoning acquise, ou lors d'une première découverte de l'activité si vous êtes téméraire et en forme, on vous offre la possibilité de faire de parcourir ces descentes. Que ce soit dans des gorges aquatiques ou dans des rivières pleines de cascades, j'aurai plaisir de vous accompagner.
Mon but est de vous aider à franchir en sautant, en glissant, ou à l'aide d'une corde, toutes les cascades ! En plus, vous verrez une nature sublime et épanouie !
Ensuite, une fois que vous aurez découvert ce niveau de parcours, si vous êtes emballé pour savoir plus sur les autres canyons qui nous entourent, vous aurez toutes les bases pour les explorer.
Les cascades des canyoning évasion peuvent être plus grandes, plus impressionnantes et amusantes !
Pour votre premier canyoning, vous vous immergez dans l'ambiance canyon grâce aux descentes en rappel impressionnante puisque certaines avoisines les 35 mètres de haut.
Vous allez faire le plein d'adrénaline ! Mais aussi des moments plus calme en marchant entre les sauts et les toboggans.

Duration in water 3h / 65€
Place : Angon, Talloires, Lac d'Annecy (74)| Durée totale : 4 hours
Description : We start with a 30 minute walk in the mountains to reach the tourist footbridge and discover a tuff waterfall forming a natural arch. Then the adventure begins with a beautiful abseiling descent of 35 meters in an admirable waterfall, leading us into a basin where we feel very small! The canyon of Angon is one of the most famous of Lake Annecy, we find there all the panoply of the discipline with abseiling each one different, small slides and a jump of approximately 3 meters which we can do again several times. Perfect for all those who want to do a canyon rich in strong sensations and who do not necessarily like to make a lot of jumps.
Duration in water 2h30/ 55€
Place : Faverges, Seythenex (74)| Durée totale : 3h30 hours
Description : In Faverges on the exceptional site of "Grotte et cascade de Seythenex", come and discover the new canyon with an atypical recess in dark grey limestone, with a possible jump up to 5 metres and a beautiful natural slide up to 6 metres high. If you are a thrill-seeker, the final sequence of suspended basins will not leave you indifferent! It is a short canyon, quite sporty in spite of everything! Indeed the 30 meters waterfall is really impressive and technical!
Duration in water 2h / 60€
Place : Bellecombes en Bauges, Lescheraine (73) | Total duration : 3 hours
Description : Le canyon du Pont du diable, connu de part sa beauté, à un profil court, aquatique et encaissé ! On accède au canyon par 10 minutes de marche facile dans une chemin sous bois. Ensuite dès que l'on franchit le premier rappel on est vite plongé dans les entrailles de ses gorges, profonde d'une cinquantaine de mètre et étroite à un endroit de quelques mètres seulement. Le plus grand rappel fait 10 mètres, mais il y a aussi quelques sauts moyen et un joli toboggan de 6 mètres. Pour finir on nage dans un long biefs à l'ambiance tropicale. L'ambiance canyon est assuré !
Duration in water 2h30 / 75€
Place : Artemare (Ain) | Total duration : 4 hours
Description :
Located in the commune of Artemare, in the Bugey massif, the impressive Groin canyon is a real MUST in the Rhône Alpes region. It has a very important incision dug in limestone, as well as long swimming passages of more than 100 meters in absolutely magnificent biefs, siphons, and many different jumps going up to 12 meters high. You will also have the opportunity to see Devil's Potholes, also known as Giant's Potholes, natural cavities cut into the rocks by the river.
The canyon is so deep that there is even a passage in oscuro, a dark part where the daylight is very weak.
In other words, you'll love it!
Minimum group size of 6 people required.
Duration in water 3h / 70€
Place : Bellecombe en Bauge (73) | Total duration : 4h heures
Description : A canyon with little commitment, with short steps and beautiful waterfalls, one of which is 25 metres high. The small waterfalls are nice, the whole located in very wild and uncrowded.The canyon is atypical compared to those usually frequented by guides. You have to like abseiling to enjoy this canyon.
Minimum group size of 6 people required.
Duration in water 2h30 / 70€
Place : La léchère, Pussy (Savoie) | Total duration : 4 hours
Description : This canyon is steep and the flow is always appreciable. The succession of waterfalls up to 15 meters for the high part of the canyon is nice and some jumps are possible.
For those who have already done full Angon or who already have experience of canyoning, it is once again possible to descend the large 80-metre waterfall which closes the canyon. It is important to be comfortable with this.
Upper part : Minimum group size of 6 people required.
For the complete package: Price on estimate according to the number of people.
Durée dans l'eau 2h30 / 70€
Place : La Bathie, Albertville (73) | Total duration : 4 hours
Description : Nice canyon with abseiling in the waterfalls, possible jumps, and a superb 8 meters slide, like no other in the region! In conclusion, a little frequented canyon but not without interest.
Duration in water 3h / 75€
Place : Coiserette (Ain) | Total duration : 4 hours
Description : This canyon is steep with beautiful passages sculpted by the water. It is an aquatic canyon where you start by abseiling down the largest waterfall in the canyon. This one is about 15 meters high. Then we find ourselves in a huge basin with turquoise water, before crossing the narrow passages and starting to make the few jumps and slides of the canyon.
Minimum group size of 6 people required.
Pour conclure, ces canyons sont parfait pour une belle sortie à la demi journée. Avec un vaste choix, vous décidez de celui qui vous plait, et par chance, celui proche de vous.
The total duration includes the setting up of the equipment, the approach walk, with the canyon descent, the return, and the removal of the personal equipment.